At FinFit Life, we work at the intersection of financial and physical fitness. We believe living our best life means we get healthy, stay healthy and secure our financial future. We’re driven to help you do the same - to protect your health, grow your wealth and create the time to enjoy them.
We believe life insurance is for the living and for the people they love. In fact, we like to say that we put the life in life insurance. How do we do that? By helping you find the right life insurance solution that rewards you for healthy choices and allows you to save money. Our rewards are real, too. You can earn gift cards, discounts, and cool tech products. You can even save money on your life insurance premiums and use those savings to invest in your future.
Too many people buy a life insurance policy, file it away and hope their beneficiary finds it after they’re gone. We believe the best life insurance works for you while you’re living by helping you make important decisions about the food you eat, the steps you take and the money you spend.
That’s why we do what we do. We’re not a life insurance company. We’re a partner in your journey toward physical and financial health.
“I wake up every morning thinking about how I can help change people’s lives. How I can help them create a business that can provide for their family, that can make their dreams come true, that can make their health better and retire in a way to live the life they’ve always dreamed.” William Pienias President, FinFit Life
About FinFit Life: FinFit Life is a marketing company that sells life insurance and helps customers achieve both financial and physical fitness through solutions that offer rewards for healthy choices. Our associates work directly with clients to create a plan for achieving health, wealth and the time to enjoy them.